We don’t need no stinking diamonds

Daily writing prompt
What’s your definition of romantic?

My sister’s best friend just go engaged. To propose, her bloke booked afternoon tea, and a suite, at the Savoy. She now has an enormous diamond on her finger. My husband proposed between mouthfuls of cereal, in a rented room in Amsterdam, one Christmas morning, there was no ring. But I still feel he is at least as, if not more, romantic. He may not have the money for fancy suites and diamonds, but he listens to me.

Our wedding

The most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me was when, a few years after I had moved into his very small house, he, a still gigging musician, gave up his music room so I could have a room to work in. He loved his music room, it was full of guitars, vintage vinyl, and recording/performing equipment. But he gave it over to me, so I could have a room of my own. I can’t imagine anything more romantic than that.

3 thoughts on “We don’t need no stinking diamonds

  1. That was a rather lovely and generous thing to do – regarding the music room!
    I don’t have an engagement ring. Mr Blue sometimes brings home flowers, but he’s not really big on romantic gestures!!

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