Literature Ambassador 2019: Writer Opps #11

It’s Wednesday again, seems to come round faster every week! This post brings you a residency opportunity in possibly the most beautiful location in the world; a new Scottish cultural magazine looking for poetry and flash fiction; and twenty five publishers seeking young adult fiction.

The first two opportunities came into my inbox from Creative Scotland, which, if you are a creative practitioner in Scotland I recommend you sign up to here:

Suilven: David May

Suilven is my favourite mountain, and it’s in my favourite part of the world. Gads! I would love to do this (I’m imagining making an art book with photographs, and stories from people who live there woven with its myths and history) unfortunately I have other commitments I can’t conceive of shifting, so I give it to you! For artists of any discipline, writers included:


Invitation for application for a Suilven Artist Residency

The Coigach and Assynt Living Landscape Partnership CALLP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, in association with the Assynt Foundation, is issuing this open invitation for expressions of interest to apply for an Art Residency to focus on Suilven, a mountain of distinctive shape and character, and one that is ranked among the most iconic in Scotland. Suilven dominates much of Assynt Foundation’s 44,000 acres of community owned land.

Major work has been funded by CALLP to improve and conserve the footpath providing access to the summit of Suilven. The recent and previous human interventions raise many questions and issues of significance for artistic exploration, and creative expression across a broad spectrum of perspectives and disciplines. But there is more to Suilven than the footpath and human interventions, and we are open to proposals that address whatever artists wish to express by whatever form of creative endeavour.

Download the artist brief from the link below to find out more about the project and how to apply. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon, Monday 8th April.

Call for submissions of poetry and flash fiction

Deadline: 05 April 2019 at 19:00

Snack Magazine, Scotland’s new what’s on and culture magazine is looking for submissions of poetry and flash fiction to appear in our regular ‘Words’ section. Payment is £25 for any work published.

Snack Magazine, Scotland’s new, monthly what’s on and culture magazine is looking for submissions of poetry and flash fiction to appear in our regular ‘Words’ section. Payment of £25 for any work published.

All we ask is:

Your work must be no longer than 400 words.

It must not have been published elsewhere.

You must submit by the closing date of 5th April.

We look forward to seeing your submissions.

Location: All Scotland

For further information, please contact (Kenny Lavelle), or visit

Image:Fred W. McDarrah/Getty from The New Yorker

Do you write fiction for young adults? Here’s a link to the Authors Publish list of:

25 Publishers Seeking Young Adult Manuscripts

Written by Emily Harstone

Young adult is one of my favorite genres to read, even though when I was a young adult I struggled to find good YA books. These days the young adult genre is profitable, diverse, and covers a wide variety of genres, from science fiction to romance and everything in between.

A lot of young adult publishers are open to submissions without an agent. Not as many as in the romance genre, but a great deal more than literary fiction (for example). Below is a list of all the publishers we have previously reviewed that are open to young adult manuscripts.

Some of these publishers exclusively publish young adult novels, others publish children’s books as well, while others are open to a wider variety of genres and age groups. Not all of the publishers are currently open to submissions but the majority of them are. If you click on the name of the publisher it will link to our full review of them. All full reviews contain links to the various publisher’s submission page.

The list is in no particular order.

Click on the link (above) for the full details of these 25 opportunities, and so much more!

There you are, twenty seven possibilities for writers in Scotland and beyond, why not give one, or more, of them a go? If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

Header image: Pinterest.

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