London Notes #12

A fair – The Shows?* – is being erected on the other side of the heath for the bank holiday weekend, so we used it as a reason to take a walk after a sluggish morning. And I remembered to take my camera, so here’s what I saw** (and found interesting enough to snap):


Looking back over the heath to our house (the grey one attached to the white one in the centre, half obscured by trees).

An Egyptian goose.


View from the observatory: to the left is the emergency power station (I’m told!), behind it, to the centre, is the O2 which is some sort of shopping/entertainment thing, and which may have something to do with the Olympics but I’m not entirely sure (sport being beyond not my thing) and am too lazy to google.

Planetarium at Greenwich

London’s only planetarium, apparently.


The pitch…

The oldest object you will ever touch

The object – apologies for the grotesque quality of the image, it was very dark in there and I’m not steady enough for low shutter speeds.


The terrace of the Observatory’s cafe where we had particularly good coffee and a delicious chocolate cookie (me).

Splendid Tree

A rather splendid tree in Greenwich park.


Tree bark that reminds me of the lovely Japanese darning that’s all over Pinterest at the moment, and makes me long for needle-skills.

Daily Observation

We only have one week left here, I don’t think I’ve done any of the things I meant to. I must try harder.

Header image is the view from Greenwich Observatory of London with the Queen’s House in the foreground.

*This is what D calls a fair, which has taken some getting used to!

**No pictures of the fair, it was fenced off and doesn’t open till tomorrow, so we couldn’t get in.

6 thoughts on “London Notes #12

    1. My curiosity just got the better of my laziness and I googled: it was originally built to celebrate the turn of the millennium (and was called the Millennium Dome), was then used for the Olympics in 2012, and it now houses an arts and entertainment complex. I think I’ll have to go and take a closer look!


    1. I hate to tell you, but pretty much everywhere you go in London at the moment there are buildings being squeezed into any available space. I think that may be why I keep getting lost, it looks and feels very different to ten years ago.


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